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BE-5302 Thermal Imager

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藍眼科技 BE-5302 紅外顯像測溫儀

防疫期間,在醫院入口處會看到一台「紅外線熱像測溫儀」,透過儀器能快速檢查出溫度異常訪客,避免疫情在醫院擴散,這種測量儀器要價不斐,從國外進口來台灣,一台大約 50 萬元,中階機種一台要價 40 萬左右。紅外線熱像測溫儀不便宜,搭配筆電螢幕架設,可以自己設定機器測出幾度以上,警示器會響起。比如說設定體表溫度是 36 度,只要體表溫度超過 36 度的, 不管一個人或是兩個人,甚至多人一起入鏡,只要在鏡頭底下都逃不過儀器測溫,能快速檢查出誰的體溫過高。


目前市場上的溫度量測系統價格昂貴且不易安裝使用,難以大量普及築起防疫安全堡壘,因應目前武漢肺炎疫情嚴峻,藍眼科技特別推出自己可以安裝、操作容易的 BE-5302 紅外顯像測溫儀,以超低優惠的價格回饋社會,幫助大家一起建立防疫安全牆,共同度過難關。


United States Original  美國進口紅外線感溫晶片  Temperature Sensing Chip
Epidemic Control Gatekeeper BE-5302 Thermal Imager

Non-contact real-time object temperature measurement

Automatic Safety Alert Over Temperature Alert

Infrared image display and photography

TFT monitor with real-time temperature display

Rapid temperature detection 9 times per second

160 x 120 pixel thermal imaging

Connect to a computer for large screen monitoring

Built-in high capacity rechargeable lithium battery

No additional temperature correction source required

Temperature measurement and over-temperature photo alarms
BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager Temperature measurement and over-temperature photo alarms

The BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager has undergone a rigorous calibration process and is specifically designed to monitor object temperatures. The high accuracy of heat screening measurements is optimized to correct the temperature range and sensitivity, providing high sensitivity and accuracy when measuring object surface temperature. Hand-held industrial infrared cameras can cause shaking, and the slightest shaking of the image will lead to blurred image and incorrect measurement.

Thermal imaging thermometers can quickly screen out fever patients and prevent the spread of the disease indoors. Although the surface temperature of the body is affected by the ambient temperature, the thermal image immediately shows the location of the highest temperature on the surface of the body, eliminating the inconvenience that a single point of temperature measurement may not detect the highest temperature. The advantage of infrared thermal imaging cameras is that they can set the image and sound alerts through the temperature, which is quick to read and alert large crowds of people entering and leaving the area.

Infrared thermography reduces the process of vaccination, but the disadvantage is that it is affected by the external temperature and can only measure the surface temperature, resulting in error values that need to be corrected. For example, when a cold front comes, it is measured at 34 degrees and then measured at 36 degrees by an additional temperature gun, then the control temperature has to be lowered by 2 degrees. The error of the ear temperature gun is large, the ear temperature gun ear holster is difficult to buy, if you measure the body temperature one by one, there will be a long line, time and labor consuming. In the past, the use of ear temperature gun was time-consuming and labor-intensive, with a thermal camera for rapid examination, about one second to detect, many benefits.

Heat warning and record keeping
BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager Alarm Screen

The BE-5302 Thermal Imager has a warning and image record saving function, when a thermal warning occurs, the displayed image warning will appear on the screen, and the time of each warning, the displayed infrared temperature measurement image and the high resolution real-time image will be recorded and saved simultaneously. The installation of critical entrances and exits prevents the spread of the outbreak and provides an immediate alert when the temperature exceeds the alert value.

The Thermal Imager screening history can be kept for a long time, with all screening measurements recorded to an SD memory card or computer hard drive to provide a view and archive that can be performed at a later time, and the screening data can be further applied to multiple methods for performing trend analysis.

Actual set-up photo
BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager Actual set-up photo
BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager

BE-5302 Thermal Imager can be used in hospitals, clinics, office buildings, airports, schools, tutorial classes, and other public gathering or entry/exit areas, effectively establishing a safety wall against epidemics, saving labor costs and achieving rapid screening and initial triage.

Since the outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia, infrared thermometers have been installed at airports and ports to prevent the disease.

Infrared thermometers are installed at the entrance of art museums, museums and exhibition halls to monitor the body temperature of all visitors and staff, and to observe whether there is any coughing, tiredness, etc. If the measured temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees or has the aforementioned symptoms, the patient should be first guided to an outdoor respite area for repeated testing by the nursing staff, and if the fever is confirmed, a mask will be issued and the patient will be advised to leave the hospital for medical treatment.

In order to ensure the safety of the hospital, the hospital not only confirmed that people entering the hospital should wear masks and disinfect their hands, but also introduced infrared thermal imaging devices to quickly detect people's body temperature and reduce the inconvenience of waiting in line. If a person's body temperature is found to be too high, the thermal imaging device will sound an alarm, and the hospital staff will take a second ear temperature measurement to quickly screen and double confirm, thus reducing the staff's burden. With the help of a thermal imaging device, it is possible to quickly screen out people with fever. However, because thermal imaging devices are very sensitive to temperature, even hot food and hot drinks are not spared. Also, the engine temperature of the vehicle entering and exiting the doorway can be easily detected, so the thermal imaging camera should also avoid the driveway so that it will not cause a miscarriage of justice.

The factory strictly implements preventive measures to prevent the epidemic from spreading; infrared detectors are set up at the door, and when employees enter the factory, their body temperature will be measured through the machine, and if the temperature is too high, it will show red and sound an alarm.

In order to implement the epidemic prevention work, the XRL, train and passenger transport operators not only set up fever screening stations in line with the policy, but also set up infrared thermal imaging devices, which can measure body temperature, as well as the warning function, when the temperature is measured above the set temperature, an audible warning will be issued immediately to effectively grasp the body temperature status of the personnel entering and leaving. The infrared thermal imaging device screen automatically searches for incoming and outgoing portraits, and if the temperature exceeds the set temperature, a red flag and an alert sound will be displayed immediately, even for hot coffee and lunches.

With the infrared thermal imaging device, the epidemic prevention work is much faster and there is no need for long queues for incoming body temperature. If the temperature of the ear and anus exceeds 38 degrees, it is considered a fever; if the temperature of the armpit is higher than 37.4 degrees, it is considered a slight fever; and if the temperature of the forehead is higher than 37 degrees, it is more easily affected by the ambient temperature.

Building a safety wall against epidemics

COVID-19 Novel coronavirus pneumonia

The World Health Organization (WHO) has named the virus COVID-19 (formerly known as 2019-nCoV, commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia), the 2019 novel coronavirus refers to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2, which was first infected in 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, triggering an epidemic of coronavirus disease infectious diseases including fever, pneumonia and other symptoms that killed people. The outbreak was initially thought to have occurred at the Hua Nanhai Fresh Market in the Jianghan District of Wuhan City, and the source of the virus has not been identified.

Seasonal Influenza

Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza viruses, and there are three types of influenza viruses, A and B, which cause seasonal epidemics almost every year, and C, which manifests itself as a mild upper respiratory tract infection and does not generally cause epidemics. Seasonal flu symptoms include fever, headache, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches and fatigue. Patients in high-risk groups can cause serious complications and even death. The most common complication is pneumonia, and others may also complicate otitis media, sinusitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, pericarditis, etc.

SARS Acute Respiratory Syndrome

In 2003, the SARS virus infected more than 8,200 people in 29 countries, resulting in more than 700 deaths worldwide. The World Health Organization has repeatedly warned that SARS could make a comeback and that the world must remain vigilant against the resurgence of this virus. During the epidemic, SARS spread rapidly through person-to-person contact in hospitals and public transport hubs.

H1N1 influenza

The 2009 influenza pandemic was a global outbreak of a new influenza A virus subtype H1N1, known as the new H1N1, first detected in April 2009 and commonly referred to as swine flu. It is thought to be a recombination of four known influenza A viruses, one circulating in humans, one in birds and both circulating in pigs. As the swine flu is set to accelerate across the globe in the coming months, putting more lives at risk, they warned governments to step up their preparations for a rapid response. This virus will soon spread further across the globe.

MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

The viral respiratory disease, caused by a coronavirus called MERS, mainly affects seven countries in the Arabian Peninsula. Middle East respiratory syndrome can lead to severe acute respiratory illness with symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Avian influenza

Avian influenza viruses mutate rapidly and often exchange genetic material with other viruses, often transmitting from animals to humans. When a person is infected with both the common human and avian influenza viruses, the avian and human influenza viruses can exchange genes. This process of gene exchange within the human body may produce an entirely new influenza virus that has virtually no natural immunity to humans. If this new virus contains enough human influenza virus genes, direct human-to-human transmission can occur. In humans, avian influenza is usually the same as the regular flu, with fever, cough, sore throat and muscle pain at first, but it can cause life-threatening complications.

Order Line

+886-4-22970977 ext.293 +886-982-842977 ext.293 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.



工作人員手持 BE-5302,前後移動將人臉放入畫面中心,按下板機鍵,此時熱顯像畫面凍結並顯示受測者溫度,按下 SET 鍵儲存照片,或取消重新拍照。

BE-5302 連線架構示意圖
BE-5302 人流管制與動線規劃


  1. The purpose of using the BE-5302 Thermal Imager is to save labor and assist in the measurement of fast screening and triage, but it is not a medical grade device itself.
  2. To learn more about BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager, please refer to BE-5302 Products
  3. Learn more about the BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager's foot traffic planning Pedestrian flow planning
  4. To learn more about the thermal imaging usage limitations of the BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager, see Limitations on the use of thermal imaging
  5. Learn more about the BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager for thermal imaging applications. Thermal Imaging Applications
  6. Learn more about the thermal imaging principles of the BlueEyes BE-5302 Thermal Imager Thermal imaging principle
  7. We strictly comply with our obligations under Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Law. Privacy Statement
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